Mannitol fermentation medium negative (left) and positive (right)
Methylene blue decomposition test negative (left) and positive (right)
Natrium selenite, Salmonella selective medium (positive tests)
ONPG test (beta-galactosidase) positive (left) and negative (right)
Phenylalanine test, positive left, negative right
Salmonella in Rappaport -Vassiliadis medium : positive (left) and negative (right)
S. epidermidis slime production test (positive - right, negative - left)
TSI, MIU and Citrate (TMC) Multitest system for Enterobacteriaceae identification
Escherichia coli on TMC (Glu+, Gas+, H2S-, Lac+, Motility-, Ind+, Urea-, Cit-)
Proteus mirabilis on TMC (Glu+, Gas+, H2S+, Lac-, Motility+, Ind-, Urea+, Cit+)
Salmonella spp. on TMC (Glu+, Gas+, H2S+, Lac-, Motility+, Ind-, Urea-, Cit+)
Starch hydrolysis on Mueller-Hinton agar. Light halos around Bacillus subtilis colonies after adding Lugol solution