Before pouring into sterile Petri plates, cool to 50°C and add 10 ml Karmali supplement per one liter final medium.
Campylobacter coli ATCC 33559 - good-luxuriant growth
Campylobacter jejuni ATCC - good-luxuriant growth
Escherichia coli ATCC 25922 - weak or no growth.
Karmali agar base (g/L)
Peptone (special) 23.0 g, Corn starch 1.0 g, Sodium chloride 5.0 g, Charcoal 4.0 g,
Agar 12.0 g, Distilled water ad 1000ml.
Adjust pH to 7.4 ± 0.2 at 25 ºC. Sterilize by autoclaving at 121 ºC for 15 minutes.
Karmali supplement - content per 10 ml)
Sodium pyruvate 100 mg, Vancomycin 20 mg, Cefoperazone 32 mg, Cycloheximide
100 mg, Hemin 32 mg.
Mix the ingredients aseptically with 10.0 ml of 95% ethanol.
Medium for selective isolation and cultivation of thermotolerant Campylobacter species from food and animal feeds. Hemin replaces
the blood in medium.
Peptone, corn starch and hemin, serve as sources of essential nutrients required for bacterial metabolism. Charcoal helps to
neutralize the toxic metabolic products formed in the medium. Sodium pyruvate enhances, the aerotolerance of microaerophilic
Campylobacter by quenching the toxic forms of oxygen. Antibiotics provide medium selectivity (some Gram-negative, Gram-positive
and fungi).
(c) Costin Stoica
Karmali agar for Campylobacter isolation and cultivation