Escherichia coli : intense turbidity and gas production.
Salmonella typhimurium: medium turbidity without gas production.
Proteus vulgaris: medium turbidity without gas production.
Staphylococcus aureus: no growth.
Peptic peptone 10 g, Lactose 10 g, Bile 20 g, Brilliant green 0.0133 g, Distilled water
ad 1000 ml; adjust pH to 7.2.
This is the recipe for BBLV simple concentrated medium (Brilliant Green Bile Broth
2%). For double concentrated BBLV (Brilliant Green Bile Broth 4%) double all
ingredients except water.
Medium for detection and confirmation of coliform bacteria in foods, water and dairy products. Lactose fermentation with gas
production may be tested using Durham tubes. Recommended for the 44°C confirmatory test for Escherichia coli.
BBLV (Brilliant Green Bile Lactose Broth)
(c) Costin Stoica