Cultural characteristics
Biochemical characters
Phylum Firmicutes, Class Erysipelotrichia, Order Erysipelothrichales, Family Erysipelotrichaceae, Genus Bulleidia, Bulleidia extructa
Downes, Olsvik, Hiom, Spratt, Cheesman, Olsen, Weightman and Wade 2000. Type species of the genus.
Description is based on a single species isolated.
Gram-positive short rods, 0.5 x 0.8-2.5 µm, occurring singly and in pairs aligned side
by side. Nonspore-forming. Nonmotile.
Colonies are 0.7-0.9 mm in diameter, low convex, opaque, gray to off-white & glossy
after 7 days on fastidious anaerobe agar. Can be isolated on complex media for
anaerobes including blood agar, enriched BHI agar and fastidious anaerobe agar.
Growth in broth media is poor but is stimulated by 0.5% Tween 80 in the presence of
fermentable carbohydrates. Strictly anaerobic. Optimum growth temperature is 30-37
ºC. No growth at 42 ºC.
Isolated from the oral cavity of man, isolated from periodontal pockets and dentoalveolar abscesses. Sensible to vancomycin.
- Wade W.G. and Downes J., 2009. Genus III. Bulleidia Downes, Olsvik, Hiom, Spratt, Cheesman, Olsen, Weightman and Wade
2000 . In: (Eds.) P.D. Vos, G. Garrity, D. Jones, N.R. Krieg, W. Ludwig, F.A. Rainey, K.-H. Schleifer, W.B. Whitman. Bergey’s Manual
of Systematic Bacteriology, Volume 3: The Firmicutes, Springer, 1307-1309.
- Downes J., Olsvik B., Hiom S.J., Spratt D.A., Cheeseman S.L., Olsen I., Weightman A.J. and Wade W.G., 2000. Bulleidia extructa
gen. nov., sp. nov., isolated from the oral cavity. IJSEM 50, 979-983.
Positive results for arginine dihydrolase, acid production from: glucose & maltose.
Negative results for catalase, esculin hydrolysis, gelatin hydrolysis, H2S production, indole production, nitrates reduction to nitrites,
urea hydrolysis, acid production from: arabinose, cellobiose, fructose, lactose, mannitol, mannose, melezitose, melibiose,
rhamnose, raffinose, salicin, sorbitol, sucrose, trehalose & xylose.
(c) Costin Stoica