Pseudarthrobacter scleromae
Cultural characteristics
Biochemical characters
Phylum Actinobacteria, Class Actinobacteria, Order Micrococcales, Family Micrococcaceae, Genus Pseudarthrobacter,
Pseudarthrobacter scleromae (Huang, Zhao, He, Wang, Liu, You and Guan 2005) Busse 2016.
Historical synonym: Arthrobacter scleromae Huang et al. 2005.
Gram-positive coryneform bacteria, with a rod-coccus cycle. Nonmotile. Spores are
not produced.
Colonies are whitish, glistening, convex, smooth, up to 4-5 mm in diameter after 72 h
of incubation on blood agar or nutrient agar. Obligately aerobic. Grows at: 15-37 ºC;
no growth at 5 or 42 ºC. Can grow in 5% NaCl, but not in 10% NaCl.
Isolated from swollen scleromata of a dermatosis patient. Susceptible to ceftriaxone, chloramphenicol, rifampin, and tetracycline.
Resistant to amikacin, ampicillin, gentamicin, kanamycin, tobramycin, oxacillin, penicillin G, streptomycin, and norfloxacin.
Isolated from swollen scleromata of a dermatosis patient.
- Huang Y., Zhao N., He L., Wang L., Liu Z., You M. and Guan F., 2005. Arthrobacter scleromae sp. nov. Isolated from Human
Clinical Specimens. J. Clin. Microbiol. Vol. 43, No. 3.
- Busse H.J., 2016. Review of the taxonomy of the genus Arthrobacter, emendation of the genus Arthrobacter sensu lato, proposal
to reclassify selected species of the genus Arthrobacter in the novel genera Glutamicibacter gen. nov., Paeniglutamicibacter gen.
nov., Pseudoglutamicibacter gen. nov., Paenarthrobacter gen. nov. and Pseudarthrobacter gen. nov., and emended description of
Arthrobacter roseus. IJSEM 66, 9-37.
- Kim KK, Lee KC, Oh HM, Kim MJ, Eom MK, Lee JS. Arthrobacter defluvii sp. nov., 4-chlorophenol-degrading bacteria isolated from
sewage. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2008; 58:1916-1921.
Some results are based on API Coryne tests (code 1042014).
Positive results for casein hydrolysis, catalase, DNA hydrolysis, esculin hydrolysis, gelatin hydrolysis, nitrate reduction (weak reaction),
tyrosine hydrolysis, starch hydrolysis, acid production from mannitol.
Negative results for acid phosphatase, beta-galactosidase, beta-glucuronidase, alpha-glucosidase, N-acetyl-beta-glucosaminidase,
lipase, pyrrolidonyl peptidase, urease, acid production from: L-arabinose, galactose, glucose, glycogen, inositol, lactose, maltose,
rhamnose, ribose, sucrose, trehalose and xylose.
(c) Costin Stoica