Corynebacterium mastitidis
Cultural characteristics
Biochemical characters
Phylum Actinobacteria, Class Actinobacteria, Subclass Actibacteridae, Order Actynomycetales, Suborder Corynebacterinae, Family
Corynebacteriaceae, Genus Corynebacterium, Corynebacterium mastitidis Fernandez-Garayzabal, Collins, Hutson, Fernandez,
Monasterio, Marco and Dominguez 1997.
Gram-positive typical coryneform rods, and occur as single cells, in palisades or in
V-shaped forms. Non-spore-forming. Non-motile. Tuberculostearic acid is not
Grow slowly on sheep blood agar at 37 ºC, forming small (diameter after 3 days of
incubation, less than 1 mm), low convex, rough, whitish colonies. Non-haemolytic.
CAMP-negative. Aerobic. No growth in 6.5% NaCl media.
Isolated from sheep milk. Sensitive to penicillin G, ampicillin, amoxicillin-clavulanic acid, cefalotine, gentamicin, and nalidixic acid.
Isolated from milk of sheep suffering from subclinical mastitis.
- Fernandez-Garayzabal J.F., Collins M.D., Hutson R.A., Fernandez E., Monasterio R., Marco J. and Dominguez L., 1997.
Corynebacterium mastitidis sp. nov., Isolated from Milk of Sheep with Subclinical Mastitis.IJSEM Vol. 47, No. 4,1082-1085.
- Bernard K.A. and Funke G., 2012. Genus I. Corynebacterium Lehmann and Neumann 1896, emend. Bernard, Wiebe, Burdz,
Reimer, Ng, Singh, Schindle and Pacheco 2010, in: Goodfellow M., Kämpfer P., Busse H.J., Trujillo M.E., Suzuki K.I., Ludwig W.
and Whitman W.B. (Editors) Bergey’s Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, Second Edition, Volume Five, The Actinobacteria, Part A,
pp 245-289.
Oxidative metabolism. Most results are based on API CORYNE and API ZYM tests.
Positive results for acid phosphatase, alkaline phosphatase, catalase, cystine arylamidase, esterase (C4), esterase lipase (C8),
lipase, leucine arylamidase, lipophilism, pyrazinamidase & valine arylamidase.
Negative results for aesculin hydrolysis, alpha-chymotrypsin, gelatin hydrolysis, alpha- and beta-galactosidase, alpha and
beta-glucosidase, beta-glucuronidase, N-acetyl-beta-glucosaminidase, nitrate reduction, oxidase, pyrrolidonyl arylamidase, trypsin,
acid production from: glucose, glycogen, lactose, mannitol, maltose, ribose, sucrose & xylose.
Variable results for urease activity.
(c) Costin Stoica