Cultural characteristics
Biochemical characters
Phylum Actinobacteria, Class Actinobacteria, Subclass Actibacteridae, Order Actynomycetales, Suborder Corynebacterinae, Family
Corynebacteriaceae, Genus Corynebacterium, Corynebacterium atypicum Hall, Collins, Hutson, Lawson, Falsen and Duerden, 2003.
Description is based on a single isolate.
Gram-positive pleomorphic coryneform rods, ranging from short to medium-length
cells in pairs joined end-to-end or chains to filamentous curved cells with thickened
ends. Nonmotile. Nonspore-forming.
Colonies are pinpoint, convex, shiny and white after 48 h of incubation at 37 ºC on 5%
horse blood Columbia agar. Hemolysis is negative. Aerobic, facultatively anaerobic
Grow in: 7.5% NaCl, but not in 10% NaCl broth. Mycolic acids are not produced.
Isolated from an unknown human clinical source.
- Hall V., Collins M.D., Hutson R.A., Lawson P.A., Falsen E. and Duerden B.I., 2003. Corynebacterium atypicum sp. nov., from a
human clinical source, does not contain corynomycolic acids. IJSEM 53, 1065-1068.
- Funke G., 2006. Corynebacteria and rare coryneforms. In: Topley & Wilson’s Microbiology & Microbial Infections, 10th Edition,
Edited by Borriello S.P., Murray P.R. and Funke G., Edward Arnold (Publishers) Ltd., Bacteriology, volume 2.
Fermentative metabolism. Non-partially-acid-fast.
Most biochemical characters were tested on Apy-Coryne, 48 h, and APY ZYM.
Positive results for catalase, beta-glucuronidase, acid production from: glucose, maltose, ribose & sucrose.
Negative results for alkaline phosphatase, esculin hydrolysis, gelatin hydrolysis, lipophilism, nitrate reduction, pyrazinamidase,
starch hydrolysis, urease, Voges-Proskauer, acid production from: glycogen, lactose, mannitol & xylose.
(c) Costin Stoica