Cultural characteristics
Biochemical characters
Phylum Firmicutes, Class Bacilli, Order Bacillales, Family Bacillaceae, Genus Bacillus, Bacillus freudenreichii (Miquel) Chester
In Bergey’s Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2009, B. freudenreichii is considered 'Species Incertae Sedis'.
Very close to Brevibacillus brevis in nutritional requirements, morphology and physiology, but differing in that it produces a titratable
alkalinity in urea broth and is less tolerant of acid.
Old synonym: Urobacillus freudenreichii Miquel (1890).
Gram positive, 0.6-0.7 x 1.0-5.0 μm, motile with peritrichous flagella. Spores are
ellipsoidal, central or paracentral, not swelling the sporangia.
Maximum temperature 40-45ºC; minimum temperature 15-20 ºC.
No growth in anaerobic agar.
Grows in 5% NaCl, but not in 10% NaCl.
No growth at 5.7 pH.
Isolated from soil, river water and sewage.
- Gordon R.E., Haynes W.C., Pang C.H. (1973) – The genus Bacillus. Agriculture Handbook No. 427, U.S.D.A., Washington D.C.
- Buchanan R.E., Gibbons N.E., Cowan S.T., Holt J.G., Liston J., Murray R.G.E., Niven C.F., Ravin A.W., Stanier R.W. ( 1974) – Bergey’
s Manual of Determinative Bacteriology, Eight Edition, The Williams & Wilkins Company, Baltimore.
- N.A. Logan and P. De Vos, 2009. Genus I. Bacillus Cohn 1872. In: (Eds.) P.D. Vos, G. Garrity, D. Jones, N.R. Krieg, W. Ludwig, F.A.
Rainey, K.-H. Schleifer, W.B. Whitman. Bergey’s Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, Volume 3: The Firmicutes, Springer, 21-127.
Positive results for catalase, decomposition of tyrosine, deamination of phenylalanine.
Negative results for starch hydrolysis, reduction of nitrate to nitrite, decomposition of casein, Voges-Proskauer reaction, resistance
to lysozyme, citrate utilization, indole production, acid production from glucose, mannitol, arabinose and xylose.
(c) Costin Stoica