Taylorella equigenitalis
Cultural characteristics
Biochemical characters
Phylum Proteobacteria, Class Betaproteobacteria, Order Burkholderiales, Family Alcaligenaceae, Genus Taylorella, Taylorella
(Taylor et al. 1983) Sugimoto et al. 1984, type species of the genus.

Old synonym:
Haemophilus equigenitalis Taylor et al. 1983.
Gram-negative short rods or coccobacilli, 0.7 x 0.7-1.8 μm. Nonmotile.
Colonies are circular, smooth, grayish-white and 0.5-3.0 mm in diameter after an
incubation period of 3-6 days. Microaerophilic. Requires an atmosphere enriched with
5-10% CO
2. Growth on rich peptone based chocolate agar medium at 35-37 ºC.
Horse blood is not recommended because of the possible presence of antibodies
directed toward
T. equigenitalis. The medium should be supplemented with sodium
sulfite (200 mg/l) and L-cysteine hydrochloride (100 mg/l). Growth is observed over a
temperature range of 30-41 ºC; optimal temperature is 37 ºC.
Isolated from a cervical secretion of mares with contagious metritis. Occurs as an inhabitant on the external genitalia of stallions.
Both the stallion and the mare can be carrier.
Resistant to clindamycin, lincomycin, trimethoprim, and sulfamethoxazole. Sensitive to penicillin G, ampicillin, carbenicillin,
cephaloridine, cephalotin, erythromycin, tetracycline, kanamycin, gentamicin, neomycin, chloramphenicol, and polymyxin B.
It is the causative agent of contagious equine metritis. The bacterium is usually transmitted venereally to mares. Mares develop an
endometritis, from which they recover. Abortion rarely occurs. Mares, but not stallions, develop antibodies to the microorganism,
which can be demonstrated during the early convalescent phase of the infection.
  1. Nancy M.C. Bleumink-Pluym And Bernard A.M. Van Der Zeijst: Genus IX. Taylorella Sugimoto, Isayama, Sakazaki and Kuramochi
    1984, 503VP in: Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, vol. 2, part C: The Alpha-, Beta-, Delta-, and Epsilonproteobacteria,
    George M. Garrity (Editor-in-Chief), 2005, 684-685.
  2. BacDive - The Bacterial Diversity Metadatabase in 2016. Sohngen C, Podstawka A, Bunk B, Gleim D, Vetcininova A, Reimer LC,
    Overmann J. Nucleic Acids Res 2016;(44 (Database issue)):D581–D585; doi:10.1093/nar/gkv983.
  3. Jang (S.S.), Donahue (J.M.), Arata (A.B.), Goris (J.), Hansen (L.M.), Earley (D.L.), Vandamme (P.A.R.), Timoney (P.J.) and Hirsh (D.
    C.): Taylorella asinigenitalis sp. nov., a bacterium isolated from the genital tract of male donkeys (Equus asinus). Int. J. Syst. Evol.
    Microbiol., 2001, 51, 971-976.
  4. Vandamme(P.), Segers (P.), Ryll (M.), Hommez (J.), Vancanneyt (M.), Coopman (R.), De Baere (R.), Van De Peer (Y.), Kersters (K.),
    De Wachter (R.) and Hinz (K.H.): Pelistega europaea gen. nov., sp. nov., a bacterium associated with respiratory disease in
    pigeons: taxonomic structure and phylogenetic allocation. Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol., 1998, 48, 431-440.
Description is mostly based on API 20 NE, API NH and API ZYM results.

Positive results for catalase, phosphatase, phosphoamidase
and oxidase.

Negative results for arginine dihydrolase, DNase, esculin hydrolysis, gelatin hydrolysis, H
2S production, indole production, lipase (C14),
leucine arylamidase, nitrates reduction, lysine and ornithyne decarboxylase, PNPG, urease, valine arylamidase, cystine arylamidase,
trypsin, alpha-chymotrypsin, alpha- and beta-galactosidase, beta-glucuronidase, alpha- and beta-glucosidase,
N-acetyl-beta-glucosaminidase, alpha-mannosidase, alpha-fucosidase & gamma-glutamyl-transferase.
Acid is not produced from carbohydrates (fructose, glucose, maltose, saccharose, mannose, raffinose).
No utilization in API 20 NE of glucose, arabinose, mannose, mannitol, N-acetyl-glucosamine, maltose, gluconate, caprate, adipate,
malate, citrate
and phenylacetate.

Variable results for esterase (C4), esterase lipase (C8), acid phosphatase, alkaline phosphatase, naphthol-AS-BI-phosphohydrolase.
(c) Costin Stoica
Culture media
Biochemical tests
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