Allopusillimonas ginsengisoli
Cultural characteristics
Biochemical characters
Phylum Proteobacteria, Class Betaproteobacteria, Order Burkholderiales, Family Alcaligenaceae, Genus Allopusillimonas,
Allopusillimonas ginsengisoli (Srinivasan et al. 2010) Babich et al. 2023, type species of the genus.
Basonym: Pusillimonas ginsengisoli Srinivasan et al. 2010.
Gram-negative short rods, 0.5-0.8 x 0.3-0.6 μm. Motile. Non-spore-forming.
Colonies are pale yellow and circular with an entire margin after growth on nutrient
agar at 30 ºC for 5 days. Grows at 15-40 ºC (optimum 30 ºC), but not at 4 or 42 ºC, and
at pH 5.5-9.0 (optimum pH 7.0). Aerobic.
Isolated from soil of a ginseng field in South Korea.
- Jin, L., Ko, S. R., Cui, Y., Lee, C. S., Oh, H. M., Ahn, C. Y. and Lee, H. G. 2017. Pusillimonas caeni sp. nov., isolated from a sludge
sample of a biofilm reactor. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, 110, 125-132.
- Felfoldi, T. S., Vengring, A., Keki, Z., Marialigeti, K. R., Schumann, P. and Toth, E. M. 2014. Eoetvoesia caeni gen. nov., sp. nov.,
isolated from an activated sludge system treating coke plant effluent. Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol., 64, 1920-1925.
- Babich TL, Grouzdev DS, Sokolova DS, Tourova TP, Poltaraus AB, Nazina TN. Genome analysis of Pollutimonas subterranea gen.
nov., sp. nov. and Pollutimonas nitritireducens sp. nov., isolated from nitrate- and radionuclide-contaminated groundwater, and
transfer of several Pusillimonas species into three new genera Allopusillimonas, Neopusillimonas, and Mesopusillimonas.
Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek 2023; 116:109-127.
Positive results for acid and alkaline phosphatase, catalase, alpha-chymotrypsin,
cystine arylamidase, esterase (C4), esterase (C8), leucine arylamidase, naphthol-AS-BI-phosphohydrolase, nitrate reduction,
oxidase, trypsin and valine arylamidase.
Can assimilate: acetate, adipate, L-alanine, citrate, 3-hydroxybutyrate, itaconate, DL-lactate, L-malate, phenylacetate, L-proline,
propionate, L-serine and n-valerate.
Negative results for arginine dihydrolase, N-acetyl-beta-glucosaminidase, alpha-fucosidase, beta-galactosidase (PNPG hydrolysis),
alpha-galactosidase, alpha-glucosidase (starch hydrolysis), beta-glucosidase (aesculin hydrolysis), beta-glucuronidase, indole
production, lipase (C14), alpha-mannosidase, methyl red test, protease (gelatin hydrolysis), urease and Voges-Proskauer test. No
acid production from glucose.
No assimilation of: erythritol, D-fructose, glycerol, N-acetyl-D-glucosamine, L-arabinose, , D- and L-arabitol, caprate, D- and L-fucose,
gluconate, D-glucose, glycogen, L-histidine, 3-hydroxybenzoate, 4-hydroxybenzoate, 2- and 5-ketogluconate, maltose, D-mannitol, D-
mannose, melibiose, myo-inositol, L-rhamnose, salicin, D-sorbitol, suberate, sucrose, lactose, trehalose, tagatose, D- and L-xylose.
Variable results for malonate utilization.
(c) Costin Stoica