Bordetella parapertussis
Cultural characteristics
Biochemical characters
Phylum Proteobacteria, Class Betaproteobacteria, Order Burkholderiales, Family Alcaligenaceae, Genus Bordetella, Bordetella
(Eldering and Kendrick 1938) Moreno-Lopez 1952.

Old synonym:
Bacillus parapertussis Eldering and Kendrick 1938, Haemophilus parapertussis (Eldering and Kendrick 1938) Wilson
and Miles 1946,
Acinetobacter parapertussis (Eldering and Kendrick 1938) Steel and Cowan 1964.
Gram-negative coccobacilli. Nonmotile.
Colonies on Bordet-Gengou medium are smooth, raised, entire, pearly, glistening
colonies in 48 to 72 hours at 37 ºC. Colonies are slightly larger and appear earlier on
Bordet-Gengou medium than
B. pertussis (2-3 days). A pellicle forms on liquid media.
A narrow zone of haemolysis is produced on blood agar. Optimum growth
temperature is 35-37 ºC. No growth at 25 and 42 ºC. Strictly aerobic. Growth occurs on
MacConkey agar and Blood agar. No growth on Simmons citrate agar, Salmonella-
Shigella agar, cetrimide agar, nutrient broth with 6% NaCl (but grows in nutrient broth
with 0% NaCl). In broth produce a ropy sediment; brown coloring of medium.
Isolated from the respiratory tract of humans and sheep.
Susceptible to erythromycin, trimethoprim + sulfamethoxazole, and fluoroquinolones.
Produce a pertussis-like syndrome in humans and chronic progressive pneumonia in sheep.
Shows cross agglutination with
Bordetella pertussis and B. bronchiseptica. Toxin neutralized by antitoxin of B. pertussis and of B.
  1. Alison Weiss: The Genus Bordetella in: The Prokaryotes. A Handbook on the Biology of Bacteria, Third Edition, Volume 5:
    Proteobacteria: Alpha and Beta Subclasses, Martin Dworkin (Editor-in-Chief), 2006, Chapter 3.2.3, 648-674.
  2. Gary N. Sanden and Robbin S. Weyant: Genus III. Bordetella Moreno-Lopez 1952, 178AL in: Bergey's Manual of Systematic
    Bacteriology, vol. 2, part C: The Alpha-, Beta-, Delta-, and Epsilonproteobacteria, George M. Garrity (Editor-in-Chief), 2005, 662-671.
  3. Margaret Pittman: Bordetella in: Bergey's Manual of Determinative Bacteriology, seventh edition, Robert S. Breed, E.G.D. Murray,
    Nathan R. Smith, 1957, 402-403.
  4. Kersters (K.), Hinz (K.H.), Hertle (A.), Segers (P.), Lievens (A.), Siegmann (O.) and De Ley (J.): Bordetella avium sp. nov., isolated
    from the respiratory tracts of turkeys and other birds. Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol., 1984, 34, 56-70.
  5. Von Wintzingerode (F.), Schattke (A.), Siddiqui (R.A.), Rosick (U.), Gobel (U.B.) and Gross (R.): Bordetella petrii sp. nov., isolated
    from an anaerobic bioreactor, and emended description of the genus Bordetella. Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol., 2001, 51, 1257-1265.
Citrate is utilized as a sole source of carbon.
Positive results for catalase, chymotrypsin, ester C8 lipase, tetrazolium reduction and urease.

Negative results for alkaline phosphatase, alkalinization of litmus milk, esculin hydrolysis, gelatin liquefaction, indole production,
lysine decarboxylase, lipase C14, nitrate reduction, nitrite reduction, denitrification, naphthol-AS-BI-phosphohydrolase, oxidase,
trypsin, valine arylamidase, cystine arylamidase, arginine arylamidase, proline arylamidase, leucyl glycine arylamidase,
phenylalanine arylamidase, pyroglutamic acid arylamidase, tyrosine arylamidase, glutamyl glutamic acid arylamidase, serine
arylamidase, acid production from glucose and D-xylose.
No utilization of: D-glucose, D-gluconate, D-mannitol, maltose, malonate, caprate, adipate, L-malate, phenylacetate, esculin,
5-ketogluconate, acetate, glycolate, pimelate, meso-tartrate, itaconate, succinate, pyruvate, L-proline, L-glutamate, D- and
L-arabinose, mannose, N-acetylglucosamine, glycerol, erythritol, ribose, D- and L-xylose, adonitol, rhamnose, methyl beta-D-xyloside,
inositol, sorbitol, methyl alpha-D-glucoside, amygdalin, arbutin, salicin, cellobiose, lactose, melibiose, saccharose, trehalose, inulin,
melezitose, raffinose, starch, glycogen, xylitol and gentiobiose.
(c) Costin Stoica
Culture media
Biochemical tests
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